Administrative Experience
Conservation Commissioner
Town of Otis, MA – present
Responsibilities: preside over 25,000 acres of land in an interdisciplinary panel of colleagues as we balance the built environment with protecting natural resources including biodiversity, municipal water supply, public spaces; reviewing proposed projects that occur bordering wetlands and other resource areas to ensure protection through both the MA Wetlands Protection Act and section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act.
Supervisor, Front of House
Tanglewood – 2022
Working for the Boston Symphony Orchestra to provide an experience of the highest quality to all patrons of Tanglewood. This includes maintaining knowledge of safety and emergency evacuation procedures, implementing policies of Tanglewood; advising and providing leadership to volunteer ushers in the Shed and on the Lawn; interacting with staff at all levels including MA state troopers, guides, gate attendants, sheriffs, medical personnel, and visitor center; responding to patron complaints in a courteous and thoughtful manner; maintaining knowledge of policies; supervising Front of House team during weather emergencies to guide patrons in a safe manner.
Geological Society of America
Elected Member, Committee on Geology and Public Policy 2019 – present
RISE (Respectful Inclusive Scientific Events) Liaison
Responsibilities: Provide leadership to GSA by monitoring and assessing international, national, and regional
science-policy; formulating and recommending position statements; sponsoring policy-relevant activities; weighing
in on public policy issues involving the science of geology and the ability to develop, disseminate, and translate
information from the geological science into useful forms for our members, the general public, and policymakers
including US Congress.
Boston College
Founding Director, Sustainability Program 2014 – 2020
Responsibilities: exclusively responsible for budget and hiring; developed and taught all courses; created benchmarking, 5- year, and 10-year plans; represented program at open houses, convocations, and graduations; supervised bachelor’s theses; created interdisciplinary advisory board; ran field trips; supervised student clubs.
Northeastern University
Interim Chair, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2004 – 2013
Director, Environmental Studies Program
Responsibilities: exclusively responsible for all ESP functions; curriculum and program design; controlled budget; determined the strategic direction for the program; ongoing assessment of program effectiveness; hiring faculty and staff; advising students; supervising theses; liaison to Boston area employers; interfaced with facilities to integrate academic endeavors with infrastructure; created and taught courses; ran faculty meetings; organized and ran seminar series; directed environmental studies advisory panel; represented Northeastern to National
Council for Science and the Environment; representative to the Council of Environmental Deans and Directors; established collaborative relationships for courses and student opportunities across colleges; created graduate and certificate programs; instituted online/distance educational opportunities; Faculty Senate member.