Athlete Boston Athletic Association, Master’s Women (Club Level)
Ranked 9th (age group) 2024 USATF New England Grand Priz
Guide Achilles International (https://www.achillesinternational.org/ - serving as a guide for veterans and athletes with disabilities in track meets and road races)
Ultramarathoner (23 medals, trophies, monetary and other prizes)
Past Editor & majority contributor Somerville Road Runners newsletter “Running on Empty”
Member, Parent Teacher Association, The Boston Latin School
Breed-Specific Dog Rescue
Six-time Winner of the Northeastern University Athletics Program Iditarod Challenge while serving as Professor of the Practice in energy, minerals, wetlands, agriculture
Fitness Instructor The Kroc Center, Roxbury, MA
Cross Country Coach SJP2C Academy
Soccer Coach Dorchester Youth Soccer
Volunteer, Harvard Institute, North Korean Women Refugees Transition Program
Lecturer Waterstone at the Circle and Maplewood Retirement Communities
Treasurer Condo Trust
Mediocre Amateur Classical Pianist

Dr. Cole's website www.jenniferriverscole.com/home is built and maintained by Danielle Molina